This site was designed by Max Kohler and William Jacobson/Europa and developed by Max Kohler. It’s typeset in GT Alpina (Reto Moser/Grilli Type), Neue Haas Grotesk (Christian Schwartz/Monotype) and native emojis.
It’s built with WordPress (Automattic and many others), Timber (Jared Novack, Lukas Gächter, Coby Tamayo, Maciej Palmowski, Nicolas Lemoine, Upstatement, and others), ACF (Elliot Condon/Delicious Brains), Sass (Natalie Weizenbaum and others), Draggable (Shopify and others), Axios (Jason Saayman and others), qs
(Jordan Harband and others), and text-balancer (The New York Times). Our printed issues are generated by Paged.js (Adam Hyde, Julie Blanc, Fred Chasen, and Julien Taquet).